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  1. Creation Master 16

    Fußballgott Avatar von Slim
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    Standard Creation Master 16

    Er ist da!

    Creation Master 16 [Beta 1]
    GUI based Editor for FIFA 16
    A FIFA Master project
    WARNING! – Editing FIFA 16 could damage your installation of FIFA 16. It is strongly recommended that you make back-up of your FIFA 16 files before to start editing.
    What’s new


    The National Team cannot be selected from the Country Page but you can do it from the Team Page. In this way you can mark as a National Team both a male and a female team. In the Country Page it is shown the male National Team only.
    Team – Formation

    Each team must have its own formation. A team cannot use a generic formation.
    When a new team is created the current team is used for presenting some data and, if the players are created, a roster with “similar players” is generated. Where similar player means a player with same age, role and nationality but a different look.
    CM 16 support some of the automated features of the RevMod patch. For Teams it is possible to do the following:

    • Set the Adboard used for the team (if not specified for the tournament)
    • Set the ball used by the team (if not specified for the tournament)
    • Set the scarf used by supporters
    • Set the goal net when the team plays at home.
    • Set the manager (texture and model)

    these features are available in game only if the RevMod patch is installed.

    In CM 16 it is possible to set the Gender (male or female) and the “emotion” of the player.
    Generic face system is completely different, generic textures cannot be modified. CM16 creates dynamically the face texture combining skin and facial hair for rendering in 3D.
    A Fast Hair Selection button allows to quickly choose the hair type.
    FIFA 16 supports specific tattoos for players.

    Stadiums have only day and night versions (no sunset nor distinction between clear and overcast days).

    FIFA 16 supports 9 different types of weather and the probability can be set for each Country.
    Competition – Tournament

    CM 16 support some of the automated features of the RevMod patch. For Tournaments it is possible to do the following:

    • Set the Adboard used for the team tournament
    • Set the ball used by the team tournament

    These features are available in game only if the RevMod patch is installed.

    CM 16 support some of the automated features of the RevMod patch. For Kits it is possible to do the following:

    • Set a specific kit for a tournament

    These features are available in game only if the RevMod patch is installed.

    Can be specified the audio.
    Database Expansion

    For CM 16 the expansion of the database allows to have up to 2048 formations (instead of 1000) and up to 65536 player names (instead of 32000).
    FAQs and Notes

    When using Open – FIFA 1X the program crashes or it appears the message “fifa.fat not found”
    Probably you do not have a regular installation of FIFA , try using Open – Select All

    Can CM16 open XBOX files ?
    CM 16 is for editing PC version, XBOX is not supported.

    When using CM16 I cannot see players or team previously modified with FIFA 16 internal editor. Why?
    Editing with CM 16 and in-game editing are incompatible. This is not a bug, it is the way FIFA 16 works. When you start to edit with CM16 you should remove squad files from the folder Document\FIFA 16. You can make in-game editing on a version of FIFA modified with CM16 but, if you use CM16 again, you are going to lose all your in-game editing.
    Can I import files from previous FIFA versions, like head models or textures ?
    Some Rx3 files have a different format like for example head models and cannot be reused. Other like for example kit textures are different but still compatible.
    I change the order of the bench players and save but, when I reopen, the order is not saved.
    In the database all the bench players have the same description, there is no way to discriminate the order in the bench.

    Some boots and some balls do not have a name but appear as a generic Shoes n. X or Ball n. Y.
    Those are shoes (or balls) present in the game but not described by a string in the language database. You can add it.
    Why can I only work with the default squads and not the updated ones?
    CM modifies the default database of FIFA so every time you create your own squad file or download a squad update from EA, the game will use it instead of the default database and you cannot see your changes in game.
    More: every time you modify the default database all the files created with a previous database become unusable and the game ask you if you want to delete

    Which files I need to backup for my edited data to remain?
    CM16 works with the files in these folders:
    dlc\dlc_FootballCompEng\dlc\FootballCompEng\data\c ompdata

    Creation Master 16 (CM16) is freeware and is provided ‘as-is’, without any expressed or implied warranty. In no event will the author(s) be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

    Rev Mod Patch is a creation by Scouser09.
    Decompression of lzma and EASF format is possible thanks to courtesy of Malloc84.

    Zitat Zitat von rinaldo Beitrag anzeigen
    the good, old creation master is back also this year !

    I have not a lot of free time so this year i am quite late.
    I also had to close the fifa master web site because i have no time to maintain it, now my tools will be hosted at

    by my friend damien.

    Special thanks to malloc 84 that provided the decryption tools and to scouser09 for developing the revmod patch that, this year, is supported by cm16.

    As usual please use this thread for feedback about the problems found in the beta version, not for other purposes.

    The current version of cm 16 is beta 1
    btw. es ist scheinbar nötig das Tool als Administrator zu starten, da sonst eine Fehlermeldung aufploppt beim Starten/öffnen der Datenbank!

    Falls sich der CM nicht öffnen lässt:
    Zitat Zitat von Cesc Fabregas Beitrag anzeigen

    > Download DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010) from Official Microsoft Download Center

    Das installieren hat geholfen.

    0 Nicht möglich!
    Geändert von Slim (30.06.2016 um 09:47 Uhr)
    Thanks you FPL <3

  2. Die folgenden 6 Benutzer sagen Danke Slim für deinen sinnvollen Beitrag:

    93Benjamin (07.01.2016), Anamorph (06.01.2016), Andy (06.01.2016), gudiaN (06.01.2016), gurke01 (11.01.2016), Nomit200LP (06.01.2016)

  3. AW: Creation Master 16

    ~~⚽^⚽~~ Avatar von Anamorph
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    Standard AW: Creation Master 16

    Creation Master 16 Released

    Download bei Fifa-Infinity

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    Geändert von Anamorph (31.01.2016 um 09:17 Uhr)

  4. AW: Creation Master 16

    Fußballgott Avatar von Slim
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    Zitat Zitat von Anamorph Beitrag anzeigen
    arrgh, ich bekomm glech ne Fehlermeldung nach Einlesen der DB durch den CM16. Als Administrator installiert + exe gestartet:

    Die compobj.txt fehlt wie dort steht. Müsstest du in deinen .big Dateien finden!
    Bzw. dein ganzer DLC / compdatas Ordner bestimmt, falls du keine Karrieremods o.ä. benutzt. Im Installationsordner vom CM habe ich heute früh gesehen, dass es einen Ordner "Templates" gibt. Ich glaube der beinhaltet einen dlc Ordner, wie er sein muss. Evtl. den einfach mal in dein FIFA kopieren.

    Erfolgsmeldung von Vidchen... Mit dem EEP (der eben diese Compdata Files beinhaltet (aber natürlich verändert, wegen den neuen Ligen) funktioniert es:

    0 Nicht möglich!
    Geändert von Slim (06.01.2016 um 10:58 Uhr)
    Thanks you FPL <3

  5. Die folgenden 2 Benutzer sagen Danke Slim für deinen sinnvollen Beitrag:

    Anamorph (06.01.2016), Black_Tiger (06.01.2016)

  6. AW: Creation Master 16

    Star Avatar von Vidchen
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    So dann kann das modding ja endlich wieder starten

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    EEP 16 Regionalliga&Oberliga Adboards+Magdeburg,Würzburg,Bielefeld

  7. Folgender Benutzer sagt Danke zu Vidchen für den nützlichen Beitrag:

    Slim (06.01.2016)

  8. AW: Creation Master 16

    ~~⚽^⚽~~ Avatar von Anamorph
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    Standard AW: Creation Master 16

    Zitat Zitat von Slim Beitrag anzeigen
    ... bzw. dein ganzer DLC / compdatas Ordner bestimmt, falls du keine Karrieremods o.ä. benutzt. Im Installationsordner vom CM habe ich heute früh gesehen, dass es einen Ordner "Templates" gibt. Ich glaube der beinhaltet einen dlc Ordner, wie er sein muss. Evtl. den einfach mal in dein FIFA kopieren.
    Jou, exakt das war´s


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  9. AW: Creation Master 16

    ~~⚽^⚽~~ Avatar von Anamorph
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    Standard AW: Creation Master 16

    interessanter neuer Reiter im CM

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  10. Die folgenden 2 Benutzer sagen Danke Anamorph für deinen sinnvollen Beitrag:

    Black_Tiger (06.01.2016), Slim (06.01.2016)

  11. AW: Creation Master 16

    Fußballgott Avatar von Slim
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    Von dem "Support" des Rev Mods hatte Rinaldo ja bereits geschrieben. Interessant! Gibt es vielleicht bei den Kits auch etwas ähnliches, um "schneller" CL/EL/Pokal Trikots usw. einzufügen?

    0 Nicht möglich!
    Thanks you FPL <3

  12. AW: Creation Master 16

    ~~⚽^⚽~~ Avatar von Anamorph
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    Muss man mal intensiver durchchecken das Teil, stimmt.

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  13. AW: Creation Master 16

    Legende Avatar von Heintje
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    Hab keine Erfahrung mit CM.
    Wenn man damit arbeitet greift der CM 16 ja auf die db zu oder? Versteh ich es richtig das nach Änderung der db dann zb eine neue Karriere gestartet werden muss?
    Obwohl bei Grafiken ja nie eine neue Karriere gestartet werden musste..
    Sorry für die Frage..

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  14. AW: Creation Master 16

    Star Avatar von Hennes111
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    Standard AW: Creation Master 16

    Hi zusammen,

    bei mir werden bei den Mainz Trikots die Spielernamen nicht angezeigt, obwohl die sie im CM passen (Position, Farbe, etc.) Hat da jemand ne Idee?

    0 Nicht möglich!

    „Es ist eine Ehre, für diese Stadt, diesen Verein und die Bewohner Nürnbergs zu spielen.
    Möge all dies immer bewahrt werden und der großartige FC Nürnberg niemals untergehen."

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